Upcoming Events

ISACA Greater Cincinnati Chapter

Cyber Risk Quantification - Addressing Real-world Problems

HealthGuard CEO Apolonio Garcia will be speaking at the Greater Cincinnati ISACA Chapter meeting. 

This session will provide attendees with real-world examples of how to perform cyber risk quantification and use it to make better risk-informed business decisions. 

About ISACA: ISACA is an international professional association with over 169,000 members focused on IT governance.

When: Sept 3, 2024, 6:00 PM ET

Where: In-Person, TBD

Previous Events

HIPAA Security 3.0 Educational Series: Cyber Risk Quantification Foundations (Part 1 of 3)

Intro to Quantitative Risk Analysis and Reasons to Implement It.

This session introduces attendees to fundamental concepts and methods for improving their cyber risk analysis and estimates. This includes: 

1. What is Quantitative Risk Analysis?

2. Intro to the Open FAIR™ Risk Analysis Standard.  

3. Why add Quantitative Analysis to your cyber toolbox?

4. Low-cost ways to start with Quantitative Risk Analysis.

HIPAA Security 3.0 Educational Series: Cyber Risk Quantification Foundations (Part 2 of 3)

Deciding When to Perform a Quantitative Risk Analysis: When Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

This session introduces attendees to a new framework that will help them know when to perform a quantitative risk analysis.

HIPAA Security 3.0 Educational Series: Cyber Risk Quantification Foundations (Part 3 of 3)

Building a Quantitative Risk Analysis Program from The Ground Up.

This session introduces attendees to some practical ideas and examples of how to get started on building a Cyber Risk Quantification program that delivers REAL business value.
